"I have always had a theory that the reason that America is not mentioned in the Bible is because God wanted America to stay a secret until it was finally to be discovered in 1492 or so."
Courtesy of Fundies Say the Darndest Things! >
Proudly Opposing Ignorance & Denial - It's The Voice Of Reason For Crying Out Loud!!! Repeat after me; "The universe is billions of years old... god didn't do it". Now doesn't that feel much better? Please come join me in the quest for reason and sense.
"I have always had a theory that the reason that America is not mentioned in the Bible is because God wanted America to stay a secret until it was finally to be discovered in 1492 or so."
Courtesy of Fundies Say the Darndest Things! >
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Hey! I should find this a little offensive. Im from Norway and my ancestors conqured Iceland and visited america WAY before that. Or atleased 300 years before. And some even speculate the egyptians had a little trip over. I sepose they wheren't Christians realy. Perhaps they where heathens who got under gods radar somehow...
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